Bark Portraits
Kirsten Steur
6 June 2020 - 28 June 2020
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‘Bark Portraits’ is an artistic research about the outmost layer of trees and our perception of this layer. Is bark really as static as you think?
A big part of the tree’s life takes place on this outer layer; the life of other organisms but also the aging of the tree itself. There is a lot of information you can get from the bark of a tree. You could see this layer as a fingerprint. Every tree has its own identity and thus his identical bark. A bark which changes and renews over time. Bark is alive.
There’s lots of thing happening around us without us noticing. Even though those things can be extremely beautiful. Processes like these are fascinating to Kirsten Steur. She likes to collect these processes in a broad sense; by literally taking them with her, by filming or photographing them or collecting them in some other way. The beauty and the magic in her findings are most important to Kirsten. This way she would like for the viewer to experience a moment of tranquility and wonder.
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